Friday, May 22, 2015

Teaching Body Parts

Hello Everyone!

 I wanted to share this cute book. This book teaches up to 6 body parts including: Belly, Nose, Hand, Foot, Eyes, and Ear. What I like about this specific book is that it really is interactive. Children love touching the squishy belly, and tickling the toes. The book also has a mirror so you can have children point to body parts on book and on themselves. I posted a link to Barnes and Noble but of course you can look up this book and find the best price. This is my first blog post! I hope to share and create more ideas, books, and other speech topics.

Other Activities for learning Body parts

Other Activities for learning Body parts
1. Mr. (Mrs.)Potato Head [lets identify and find body parts then place them correctly on the potato]
2. Favorite doll, toy, action figure [Use toy to point to body parts or have child teach toy body parts]
3. Coloring book with favorite character [Give child direction on which body part to color. This can also be used to identify colors.
4. Singing time! I love this song but beware it will get stuck in your head. Head and shoulders knees and toes is also a good one but I like to spice it up. 
5. Self portrait. [ Have the child draw a picture of themselves. Instruct them to draw body parts.]
6. DYI make pictures with missing body parts and ask child to draw the missing part.